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  1. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Wow! Those black beauties are ADORABLE!! ~Aspen
  2. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: ~ Aspen
  3. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: He is gorgeous! ~ Aspen
  4. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Aw!! The cuteness!! ~ Aspen
  5. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: I don't need another breed, I DON'T NEED ANOTHER BREED..... They're gorgeous! ~ Aspen Thanks and yes--you do need another breed. And these need you! They are in desperate need of work & preservation! Oh, well if you put it that way.... ~ Aspen
  6. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: I don't need another breed, I DON'T NEED ANOTHER BREED..... They're gorgeous! ~ Aspen
  7. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Okay...stop w/ the picture're making me drool on the computer!!! and then...
  8. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    You have beautiful birds!
  9. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    exop - Your rooster is stunning!
  10. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Very Pretty Mutt Chickens!
  11. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Depends what you're keeping them for? Pets or for Breeding? If you're looking to breed them then you probably don't want that "Gene" in your flock, but if you're having them just for pets then it really doesn't matter! If you have them to breed then don't cull her, I'm sure somebody will take...
  12. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    RFF: Lovely Crevvies! I really want to get a few ... some day ...
  13. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Fish Guts ... Pinky Mice ..... LOL I know! My husband is a die-hard fisherman and we can't let the dogs get them--so the chickens & Muscovies LOVE them! As for the mice, that's only on occasion when I come across a nest in the barn or tack shed...
  14. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Fish Guts ... Pinky Mice .....
  15. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: A hand full of cat food helped mine. Also BOSS, and Scrambled eggs boiled eggs, anything that has alot of protein in it.
  16. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    I love the way their feathers stick straight up! So goofy look'in!
  17. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Beautiful -
  18. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Oh My Goodness! I still think you should come hire me to work for you ... my payment would be 1 baby chick per day! Hired, I'll make it 2 just to sweaten the deal!! Yah! Too bad I don't live closer! WHY? OH WHY???
  19. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Could you list all the colors of the d'anvers? This doesn't really follow the topic, but I really want to know..... Well since your the original poster, maybe they wont mind. Here's what we have in the d'anver already in breeding pens quail blue quail silver quail dun quail cukoo...
  20. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Quote: Okay! I will be there in time tomorrow morning to help you with your feeding chores! I waited all morning, where were you??? LOL Setting at the computer talking you U! Send me a cab and I'll be there .. or I can run ...
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