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  1. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    One of my 21 week old EEs whom I thought was not laying yet left me a surprise in another section of the barn this week. This is an old brooder. Yesterday I caught her flying over the 12 ft coop wall in the barn and witnessed her laying this egg. Below is another one of my 21 week old...
  2. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    Thank you. Yes I wanted because my chickens free range, and we have hawks. Plus I would like to hatch my own chicks. And I think it is fun to watch the roos take care of their girls. But I just can't have a mean roo. :(
  3. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    I was just so unsure since most of the time he is fine with me around. It is like he all of a sudden takes on a different personality.
  4. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    Thank you thank you so much for answering. I feel like your's is the first real answer I have gotten. I am so sad. I can't have him hurting my boys.
  5. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    I did post this in a different thread, but am hoping you EE'ers can give me some advice... My 12.5 week old EE cockerel has bit me 3 times in the last week, twice drawing blood. He also charged me in the coop for the first time last night. Is this hormones or should I be worried about...
  6. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    I love chubby cheeks!
  7. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    Okay thank you! So just making sure I got it, my clean faced roo couod still pass on a beard gene? And it doesn't matter whether my hens have beard genes or not, just the roos?
  8. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    Will an EE roo without a beard produce chicks with a beard if mated with a hen who has one? Or could someone explain all that to me?
  9. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    Thanks! Love them :)
  10. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    Updated pics of my EEs. Four of them are 12 weeks old and the other two are 11.5 weeks. Prim - she is smaller than all the others, but she is so stinking sweet. I love love her pattern! Lena - I love how she is just hanging out under the slide. Very sweet girl! She was a little feisty when...
  11. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    All gorgeous, but I am drueling over Puffy!
  12. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    I don't think my hubby would go for buidling another coop :-/
  13. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    I forgot to mention the other roo is 2yrs old. Will that make a difference? Will the new roo try to take some of the younger chicks right now or will he stick to the 6 older hens? Sorry for all the questions...
  14. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    I posted a couple days ago about a gorgeous EE roo my friend's dad is giving away. Well last night I acquired 4 more 11.5 week old pullets. 2 golden laced wyandottes and 2 EEs. I now have 6 hens (EEs,speckled sussex, barred rocks, golden comet) and 14 11.5-12 week old pullets (EEs, GLWs, black...
  15. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    Oh okay. I definitely want the blue eggs if at all possible. Hmm such a tough decision. This roo is absokuteoy gorgeous and my all white EE roo is well...plain BUT he grew up with my boys. Decisions decisions
  16. sahmhomesteader

    Easter Egger club!

    So if he mates with a hen with a single comb gene they could have EE babies with a single comb? Is that bad?
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