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  1. wsdareme

    When Do Chicks' Combs Start to Develop?

    I suppose what's going to make it even harder is that most are not the same breeds. I have 3 Cochins and 2 Wyandottes, so I guess I could compare those (if I can figure out which two are the Wyandottes). I also have an Australorp, Buff Orpington, Easter Egger (it is the biggest of the bunch)...
  2. wsdareme

    When Do Chicks' Combs Start to Develop?

    My chicks are 3 weeks old tomorrow. I ordered 12 pullets from MPC in a variety of brown egg layers (and one EE). I've been trying to tell if I have any roos. I have read posts talking about leg size and color, and overall size. I have noticed that some of them have already started to get...
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