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  1. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    Always start cuttings here in full shade, even in winter. You can wrap the top part of the cutting in grafting tape/parafilm that you can buy on Amazon so the top of the cutting doesn't dry out before the roots have a chance to form. It's also more successful to use coconut coir or peat moss as...
  2. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    My sister breeds high production dwarf Nigerian goats in Rio Verde AZ. Google Rio Verde Udders. They are excellent milkers. It's interesting that hers can tolerate our heat well as most of her stock originated in this area, but last fall when she got three new ones from New Jersey for outcross...
  3. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    Yes I've pickled them. I like them better as a spicy pickle! No one else in the family cares for them pickled except me so I don't make them very often.
  4. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    Bobby I think the foodies like any meat thats novel and easy to get. I love lamb, any way it's prepared, but then I like venison, elk, quail etc. I make an herbed lamb stew that's great for cool weather eating. People don't even know it's lamb until I tell them. They assume it's beef. Maybe...
  5. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    :frow It's been a long time since I've come here to post and wanted to say hi to everyone I already know and those I've not met yet.
  6. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    You're welcome! I had others give me eggs when mine weren't laying. I'm just glad I'm still getting eggs at this time of year. No duck eggs but the pullets are starting to lay and some of the older girls are laying.
  7. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    If you live in the city and have neighbors that are close space-wise consider brown leghorns. They make all the regular chicken sounds but at half or less volume than other chickens! Very nice to have quiet birds!
  8. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    After much anticipation and seeing big-girl behaviors from my pullets (going in the nest boxes and squatting for me) I saw one of my brown leghorn pullets singing the egg song. I checked the nest boxes and sure enough, there was a pretty white pullet egg! Weird seeing a white egg, I've...
  9. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    Still enjoying the olive eggers I got as chicks from you. Nice big green eggs! I can see some NNs are in my future. Nice to have that heat tolerance. Tempe is as bad as an HOA. Just keep your chickens out of the line of sight when someone looks over the fence.
  10. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    I have fiberglass panels that let in some light, but they let in heat too. Metal would have been better. That's the thing with EEs, they can lay any color egg. I have one that lays true blue, another sage green. They do get paler as the season progresses so they can look almost white. He's...
  11. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    He sure got a good home with you! I'm hoping his beak bump doesn't affect his health. Congrats on the new chicks!
  12. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    You need an incubator. Even banty chickens will break quail eggs. Their eggs are designed to be set by a tiny hen. A coturnix hen is only 6-15 ounces, chickens many times that. I bet the silver leghorn broke the eggs just because of her size, then ate them. Better to get an incubator. It's...
  13. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    I have some brown leghorn pullets that are almost ready to lay. They are from a hatchery though. They are pretty cool chickens, sort of feral, but friendly too. They are excellent foragers and scout for predators. They take the place of a rooster in that regard. I think they are worth having...
  14. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    I finally got my pickles started! I did three jars; one with hot peppers, two without. I used cukes, carrots, parsley root, Belgian endive, chaya spinach and tried some curry leaf in one of the jars for extra flavor. I topped each jar with a few hard boiled quail eggs to see how they do. It...
  15. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    I'm going to try it this weekend with the harder veggies and some leafy kinds. Right now I have a lot of roselles (which have sour leaves anyway), Malabar & Egyptian spinach and various collards & kales. I might throw in some grape leaves and chaya spinach too but the latter I'll have to blanch...
  16. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    Besides catching them in the act you can base some of it on the breed of chicken and the type of egg they should lay. Of course with EEs it's a crap shoot as to what color they will lay. They will often redden up in the comb when the are about to start laying, but not always especially if it's...
  17. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    I want to try this with cucumbers, radishes and carrots. Do the veggies keep their color well? I tried lactofermenting some water melon radishes and they lost their pretty green and pink colors!
  18. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    Yes your black thumb is turning green! I love the trough, nice for making a bed without having to dig. I bet your pickles taste amazing. What recipe do you use? I have the darker variety of Armenian cuke, it's called Metki dark but it's the same except for the skin is dark. They don't mind...
  19. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    But then again there's nothing like a tight deadline for getting motivated! My Bielefelder roo was a sweetie like that. It's a breed trait. I just wish they were more heat tolerant.
  20. Sill

    Arizona Chickens

    Great idea for keeping the girls out of the edibles! I'm currently having trouble with sparrows and had to net my raised bed. They were putting holes in most of the leaves and ate the calendulas down to sticks. Night shade. They get small yellow round fruits full of seeds for the next...
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