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  1. kbgh

    Hybrid Pheasants

    Quote: I've noticed some confusion on what is a hybrid and what is a mutation. A hybrid is basically the genetic crossing of two dissimilar genus/species. hy·brid [hahy-brid] Show IPA noun 1. the offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds, varieties, species, or genera...
  2. kbgh

    Hybrid Pheasants

    Quote: Well said Lophura. I really think that wildlifeartist1 posted those pics to inflame people. I checked him out 9 posts listed below. All are garbage. Quote: I have 17 different Crosses and Hybrid some are just 2 but many are 3,4,5 different pheasants in 1 bird
  3. kbgh

    Hybrid Pheasants

    for you De Wet. Couldn't agree more.
  4. kbgh

    Hybrid Pheasants

    Got to agree. Hybrids suc. Too hard to keep the lines pure as it is. God forbid these get into some novice breeding program. Kerry
  5. kbgh

    Hybrid Pheasants

    Quote: Well said. Quote: That's what mother nature intended. Whay change what she made "perfect" Kerry in Pa
  6. kbgh

    Hybrid Pheasants

    That very well could be possible. There are many color variants of goldens and if there are some escaped or even released birds in your area you could get a lot of colors. Also, some breeders create hybrids and crossbreds to sell feathers to the fly fishermen for tying flies. Again if any...
  7. kbgh

    Hybrid Pheasants

    You can get wild "sports" in nature. A "sport" is defined as a natural occurence that changes or alters color patterns in plants and animals. Green ringnecks would be defined as a "sport" Bear in mind there are Chinese ringnecks and Mongolian ringnecks and both are nothing more than...
  8. kbgh

    Hybrid Pheasants

    I stand corrected and fixed the post. Never gave the terminology a thought and I knew better.
  9. kbgh

    Hybrid Pheasants

    Hybrid - smybrid. It's tough enough to get good birds let alone hybrids and crossbreds. LEAVE NATURE ALONE - KEEP THE SPECIES PURE
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