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  1. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    I know of someone with White Rocks, exhibition line. I could contact her and she if she has any extra. She's usually hatching this time of year.
  2. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    Sorry Chris, I didn't look at the sender name, thought I was looking at Ron's avatar. I really do need to get my eyes checked!
  3. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    Sorry for your loss Ron. They hide things so well, but I still feel bad when I miss things, even genetic. The 2 Basque hens I have have very poor sight, they are in with my old mellow rocks but it was a scary introduction. At least she got special pampering and compassion in her passing.
  4. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    29° outside now, they are saying we will be getting more snow before we get rain. Roads are already sheets of ice. One of the few times living in town would be OK.
  5. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    We were without power for 13 hours. By the time this storm blew over we got 16 inches of snow. Since they plowed the roads we have an inch of packed snow/ice. It took me 45 minutes to drive the 13 miles to work. Never driven with chains before, they work well.
  6. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    Old hens are goofy! I considered it a Christmas miracle when I got a egg on the 24th from my 7 year old hens. Today I got 2 eggs. We have 8 inches of snow on the ground and 36 was our high temp today. I guess they are enjoying the greenhouse plastic I wrapped the runs with.
  7. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    It was 22 here this morning with freezing fog. I lost 2 quail yesterday, I quess they didn't want to go inside.
  8. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    They are probably seeing "shine" in your eye. Using shiny items like keys or polished stones in the food and water to teach chicks to eat or drink is pretty common with new chicks, especially poults. My birds all go for my wedding ring when I offer treats in my hand. I now wear closed hoops...
  9. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    My Phoenix are the same. There are 2 grown and 2 chicks here. The Wyandotte's will do the same thing, no interest in the eggs and then pushing and shoving to get them. The pictures are reversed. That's the kind of day I'm having, could be heat related also, 105° outside now.
  10. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    It was very pretty, they put in a lot of work keeping it up for sure. GPS wasn't much help, kept giving us road names that weren't on the signs.
  11. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    So sorry for your loss Chris. It sounds like you did the kindest thing for her, but I never find it easy.
  12. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    We just got back from a visit to Ron's backyard sorta. MIL's memorial service in Rockville, so we stayed out at Lake Berryessa. Windy the entire time we were there. Coming home snow on Black Butte, Mt. Shasta hidden in clouds, pouring rain around Lake Shasta and hail in Yreka.
  13. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    Fair time for me is so much fun. Listening to all the cockerels working out the kinks and looking so macho while trying.
  14. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    Working outside today I heard a little blue boy practicing his crow. I'm still holding out hope for the black chick, the comb is still dark, looks almost gypsy in color.
  15. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    It is a Cooper's, the Sharp Shins gave up on a quail dinner a couple of years ago. This is a new arrival this year, she's (?) only 16 inches tall but she walked around the pen 3 times before moving on. The next day she was on the other side of the house checking out the pigeons. I can't let...
  16. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    I made someone angry the other day.
  17. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    Do any of you use a pour on Ivermectin? if so, what type? The little crawlies are back and I will be treating many birds and cleaning many pens. I want to get the correct type, just can't remember if it's cattle, horse, sheep, etc.
  18. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    Sorry to hear that the Silkies didn't make it, There are things that just can't be fixed sometimes, regardless of the effort you put in. Good to hear that the sticky is gone and the others are doing well!
  19. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    Welcome! Ex-Chico person waving at you from S Oregon.
  20. OR4-hmom

    California - Northern

    I met someone who swears that a chick that kicks is male when held by the scruff. I hadn't heard of putting them on their back. The hatchery pullet chicks do seems to get tails quicker than the few boys I've gotten. That said the two chicks I got for my broody have feather shoulder caps. I...
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