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  1. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi Jim I will pass along your offer of help to my DH2B I'm sure he'd like to bounce some ideas off you. He found a Jim(in WI)that was mentioned on the whizzbang page is that you by chance?
  2. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi everyone took me quite a while but I've finally found where we moved to! How is everyone and their birds and other animals of all shapes and sizes? Jim been wanting to ask you build whizzbang pluckers right? DH2B is building us one.
  3. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers for the family. We appreciate it so much. Continued thoughts and prayers are appreciated as I believe today they are letting him go.
  4. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Sorry all that I've been gone so long still trying to figure out this new BYC. I miss the old. Took me eons to figure out how to find this "forum" thread again lol
  5. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Everyone, I have just received word that my Aunt Connie(honorary Aunt/family friend) from Texas lost her son today in a freak accident. Apparently he cut his finger and passed out at the sight of the blood trying to apply a bandage. He then fell and hit his head. He is on life support while...
  6. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We have used them with no problems. A year or two ago there was a person doing a study on if it affected hatchalong. I don't remember their results but they covered the entire egg in it. Personally I think it would lessen air flow through the shell and cause them not to lose moisture if you...
  7. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Last week's quail hatch was pretty terrible. Only two hatched and only one survived. Odd since the hatch before in the same incubator with eggs from the same birds being fed the same things hatched in the same incubator with the same readings was 100%. Last Thursday we were able after a couple...
  8. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Oh goodness what a horrible experience but such a strong man to go on and live so well and adapt to his losses so well. Good for him. Thank you big z! @Faraday40 Her sister is awake, but still out of it, thanks to emergency dialysis. She is being allowed ice chips today. They are still doing...
  9. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi all sorry I don't have time to get caught up today this is kind of urgent. One of my friends on the Illinois thread has a sister in the hospital that's in the ICU in critical condition. She's septic. Please for those of you that pray pray and if not please keep her in your thoughts...
  10. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Absolutely that was a very hard lesson for my Grandma to learn with my Grandpa. See he doesn't always know her of course in his mind he's much younger so he thinks she ought to be young too. I do know that that Grandpa also understands that he doesn't know a lot although less and less of the...
  11. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi Bambi! Welcome! What kind of chickens do you have in your flock? If you decide to wait to incubate eggs you could join the Easter hatchalong thread. Even if you do set now I encourage you to join the thread. There are tons of experienced hatchers and very helpful people over there. I also...
  12. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Lol yeah thank you. We know that's another reason we haven't made final culls yet. We have some more boys to do and then we will be separating out some of the girls for breeding and giving them a break before adding the boys for breeding. We will also be adding more girls this year too. I...
  13. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Had an interesting weekend around here. We planned to process birds and we were going to try for all the spare cockerals.... Well that didn't happen. My mother showed up with my three year old nephew who has never met the chickens that he can remember. That was pretty fun but totally ruined...
  14. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Our local feed store is taking bee orders until 2/28/17. That's very cool I didn't know you guys had bees. That's something we've discussed trying but haven't been able to yet because of the expenses to start. I would love to hear more about how you take care of your bees and what beekeeping...
  15. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    How fun! We missed it who ended up winning? That sounds awesome I would love to do something like that! You'll have to tell us about each one and what you think of them. You should also try rocks and wyandottes if you get the chance. :) Glad to hear how your extra cockerals are for meat...
  16. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Make that venison and lobster or crab and I'm there! Lol I love seafood but we rarely get it right now BC of finances. But shrimp is good too. And a bit closer to our price range.
  17. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Well ladies and gents idk how or when it happened but we had a buff Orpington hen missing at lock up tonight. Found a massive possum in one of the sheds with her body it had been her killer of course. Bad bad night. We snapped some pics of the possum if anyone would like to see. I don't remember...
  18. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    That's funny how old and what breed are your hens with spurs? Is it maybe one line? Also I totally agree pigs and cattle should be raised as naturally as possible for their health and happiness. Same with chickens. Just because it's destined for the table doesn't mean it should be treated...
  19. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    h have you seen this before? You really think I should leave them? But if they just flower won't they put all their energy into that instead of growth? Will they ever leaf out?
  20. chickendreams24

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    hey guys I need some help please for those of you that have rooted Apple tree scions. I'm having no luck finding what to do. Some of our scions(actually the only ones that have done anything so far but more are starting) are flowering instead of producing leaves Does this mean they've failed...
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