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  1. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    This is a lovely little incubator and brooder combo. Most reliable things I've ever had. I picked up a mini and a maxi for the kids at the elementary school to hatch in class and the chicks love the brooders. Here are the first/second grade's St. Patty's Chicks: Exchequer Leghorns Iowa...
  2. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Ugh, seems my nights and days are reversed. Thank the 20 hours of craptastic Friday. Fridays are always suckful, but this Friday was just dumb. Back to bed, try to get back on a schedule. At least all the chicklings are all in fresh digs and the surrounding area in the basement vacuumed and...
  3. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We're ok on snow, but I'll trade you about 30 mph of the current winds for 1-2 inches of show. Win-win? Lovely coop! Very nice. Gorgeous girls. I picked up two silver laced wyandottes this year to add to my egg laying coop. They're so lovely. The black chick is an Ayam Cemani. Can't...
  4. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Welcome to BYC. I wish more suburbs were more enlightened on chickens, but glad your neighbors are cool with the chooks. I'm blessed to be on an acreage with neighbors that don't say much. Love my little feathered dinosaurs! Do you have any photos of your chickens?
  5. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Cold, damp, rainy day, but no snow. Girls are beginning to lay again, which is nice. (I don't put lights on them, so eggs have been spotty.) Got my 8 year old a guitar for his birthday. He is learning the saxophone, but has been really enamored with the idea of playing guitar. His...
  6. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My little January chicks are getting so big. At the rate they are growing, they'll be laying next week. ;) Ok, maybe not, but they are huge. They're my buddies, especially Barry (the barred rock, gif below) and Buffy (the buff orpington). OK, ok, not original, I know, but I don't usually...
  7. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Gorgeous snow fall this afternoon/evening. I don't have to go to work tomorrow, so I can say that. :smackLOL The chickens took one look out the open door, said a whole bunch o' "NOPE!" and went back in the coop. Gotta wing band the little chicks tonight or tomorrow, other than that just...
  8. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    The January chicks are growing FAST. Split the crew to two cages for now. Was hoping to eek by on that until temps improve, but looking at the long range forecast, March is not coming in like a warm dandy lion. Ah well, I have a bajillion crates, if I need to expand my basement flock further...
  9. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Happy Valentines Day!
  10. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I know nothing at all about beehives, but that there looks impressive! Best of luck!
  11. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Lots of white stuff all around, but the cold isn't bad and it's sure pretty. Beats negative 28 any day. The outdoor chickens gave me the middle wing finger when I opened the coop door this am. They said they are perfectly fine eating snow, rather than hopping out 2 feet to the water, thank...
  12. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Nope, I haven't had exchequers to this point, though I've almost purchased some several times. For various reasons, I've been thwarted. Hoping this attempt is successful. Eggs are purchased, time will tell if the incubation gods still look favorably upon me. :fl ------------------ I second...
  13. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Some show photos from the breeder. Pretty nice Exchequers, I think.
  14. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Count me 3. Snow isn't too bad at above zero. Welp, lined up eggs for the kiddos at the elementary school. I wanted to get them some white eggs to make viewing by candling easier for them, so have arranged for some Exchequer leghorns. I've always wanted some of those beauties and they'll...
  15. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thank you, overall, I was happy with it. I've got lots of things to work on, but am pleased. Will keep pushing paint around. Slowly but surely I'm improving. Happy note on the chicks, I have 4 out now, including an Ayam Cemani chick, and looks like at least 3 more pips. They're behind...
  16. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Well, looks like now there's a Legbar egg pipped, which is nice. The super dark chocolate egg that I presumed was a black copper marans hatched, looks like it's probably a blue. Nice egg color, hope it's a pullet. Got plenty of cheeping from the pipped eggs. :) I love to paint and draw...
  17. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We're a day overdue to hatch but I have a handful of pips this am. 2 marans and 1 olive egger aling with one of the cemani. Will see how today progresses, if any more pips.
  18. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My power outage hatchlings are all fluffed up. Cuties. Icey today. Slipped and slid down the path to feed the chickens, and so did they when I opened the door. Chickens ice skating is actually fairly humerous, but they seemed to take it in stride.
  19. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'm more than pleased with the hatch. Couldn't ask for more. Was raining and freezing my windshield on the way home tonight. Mow we have drifts of sleet balls turning to snow. Yuck.
  20. Hurley

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So sorry to hear about your hive. So sad to loose something you watch grow and pamper. Better luck with the next batch! Interesting reading, I know little about bee keeping. Update on my eggs following our power outage in during the -28* day: 6 of 7 eggs hatched today in my little incubator...
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