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  1. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    Those geese are beautiful, but that experience with geese I had was my one and only,so I would be of no help about mixing geese and swans. We lost our matriarch WH duck hen 2 weeks ago. I went out after dark around 7:30 pm to put up the chickens and ducks for the night. I had been away since mid...
  2. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    First, my apologies for just now answering your post to me. I'm so behind on my gazillion emails it'd crazy. I hope you found a way to solve your problems with the aggressive birds. I solved ours with the geese. I did all 3 of them tho a couple of older men who have 56 animals out of a farm and...
  3. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    Thanks.Good information on the fish. I'd like to give them to my ducks and geese actually. We have 6 Welch Harlequins and 3 geese-a mean Toulouse gander and 2 hens that are African and Toulouse mixes that were given to us. The girls are good, but we just aren't sure we are going to be able to...
  4. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    We give our ducks chicken scratch and romaine lettuce leaves. Also dried mealworms. I'd like to know though if anyone puts feeder goldfish or minnows in their ponds? Will they eat them, and is it safe to give them those live fish?
  5. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    Good to know. Thanks:)
  6. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    maybe I've not gone through molt before. Busy week so I'll get pix next week.
  7. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    Rose hips are okay I think but not the petals
  8. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    I will try on Tuesday but he isn't a "friendly, get up close" type of
  9. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    Question for help please- my drake which I was told here is a WH is changing colors on his head. When we got him, adult but age unknown, his head and neck were a pretty green, kind of like a mallard, which I thought he was at first. Now he has only a small line of the green down the back &...
  10. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    Thank you.My goose eats romaine daily. I won't give spinach anymore. Tried kale, but he won't eat it. Been giving him a small piece of watermelon daily. He eats it down to the rind.Going to try regular swiss chard tomorrow. How often and how much should I feed my 1 Toulouse male? He's very big...
  11. Lynn Manes

    The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

    Great article. Can I also assume this list goes for geese too? We've been feeding our male goose spinach, but after reading this we are going to stop.
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