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  1. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hey, a brahma would be perfect - especially one used to geese. Let me know in a few months what you end up with! :)
  2. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My poor NN rooster met his end sadly and I am without a roo at all here in Saratoga! Very sad, my ladies will miss him.. Come spring, I'll be looking for an adult rooster that's good to his ladies and doesn't spur humans. :P Bigger roo (no silkies or bantams- my geese might pick on the lil guy)...
  3. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have the same mix.. the molting ones are sad looking.. the old ones are also sad.. and the rest are naked necks ! :)
  4. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My goslings are big now! Too bad I am pretty sure they are both boys, but that's what I get for ordering from somewhere that doesn't sex them. :P They still hang with their chicken 'hatchmates' and are getting along with the big chickens as well. Hopefully that continues.
  5. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Goslings grow SO quickly! :P Same age.
  6. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yeah I have read your posts - I am not expecting much - loud noise is enough since my window overlooks the chicken area so I can run out there. I have one old rooster but he is the quietest rooster ever. Planning to keep both. They are adorable!
  7. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi Y'all! Just got 2 baby geese with my hatchery order, let's hope I get a guard goose out of him/her/them. Hope all is well here in the NY forum. :)
  8. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Me too! :)
  9. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Glamour shot of super obnoxious chick that needs a home! S/he managed to live out the day with MUCH older chicks, as it is a super escape artist and seems to get out of wherever I put it. Under the heat in the house again now and not happy with stuffed animals/sock or mirror. Tried another...
  10. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Just a mixed breed - daddy is a naked neck since that's my only rooster but this chick is not a NN. My broody unfortunately offed one chick so I have this lone one just peeping away. Happy to give it to someone near me if I can't find a friend! :)
  11. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Does anyone have chicks near Saratoga or want one? I have a lone chick that needs at least one friend, the stuffed animal isn't doing it. Even a male packing peanut will work. Help! :)
  12. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone near me have any day old/just hatching chicks? My baby emu hatched yesterday and poor thing is lonely. I have a broody here just in case they don't get along, but she's insisting on sitting on non fertilized frizzle eggs :P. The stuffed animal just ain't doing it! :)
  13. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hey would love some. Maybe if we end up meeting for an emu :)
  14. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I'd like an Ayam Cemani too but I am too cheap to buy the eggs :)
  15. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I will!! I have a few people who were also interested but I will keep you in mind as well. We likely cannot keep them until full adulthood unless my DH totally falls in love and is willing to put up 6 foot tall fences.. :)
  16. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Finally got my Emu eggs! If anyone might be interested in Emu when they get too big for me I'll be happy to keep you in mind.. if they hatch, that is. :P Can't wait for this snow to melt..
  17. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Checking in after an age.. All is overall well although just lost my old half blind chicken 'loaf' - she somehow waited until *after* the mega cold /sigh.. At least the others are doing well! RIP Loaf 2012-2018.. (old pic, she no longer had the beard and was sans one eye)..
  18. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I wish a chickenstock would be held near me again! Have only made it to two over the years.. not as many members here from my area, it seems.. Anywho, some might remember I lost my only NN roo Pugsley a few months ago - I managed to hatch 6 of his eggs and out of those 6, did manage one NN...
  19. featherz

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Still looking for an Emu egg (or two!).. :) Yes Virginia, leghorns do go broody.. this is my five+ year old hatchery brown leghorn with her stolen chicks..!! :)
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