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  1. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I read on Craigslist and I also had a Facebook friend tell me they are having a spring tail gate sale this Sunday from 7 to noon. I'm thinking about going if I have nothing else going on. If anyone is interested I have some roosters to get rid of. I'm gonna be overrun here very soon. 2 Mottled...
  2. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Will anyone be attending the Berkshire farms swap? I never have gone to this one before and was wondering what the thoughts are on it.
  3. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Has anyone ever had a new chick hatch out blind? He opens one eye but I'm not sure if he can see at all. Is there any ways to know for sure. He kinda walks around but looks like he's drunk when he walks, and walks into the water and feeder, abd will also just stand and look straight up for...
  4. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My girlfriends feed store has all sorts of pullets 3.29 each. Breezy Hill Feed and Supply, they have a ton of Rhode Island reds, comets, black sex links, and a few others. They are a few weeks old however but it's a great deal for them. Minimum purchase is six
  5. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Rancher if your still looking for an aruacana rooster someone at my girlfriends feed store she works out is giving one away. She claims he is Araucana but he may be ameraucana. She was one of those people who thinks they know everything but really don't know much. We got into a big argument over...
  6. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thankyou everyone for their responses. I will let you all know how this battle ends haha. I also learned some stuff I didn't already know so that's a plus!!
  7. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Does anyone have a good article on why it's better to eat fresh eggs over store bout? Or a good article on why it's good to raise chickens period. Trying to convince someone why raising chickens is a good idea? Someone I know says it's wrong to eat there eggs and they could never eat eggs from...
  8. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I don't plan on keeping any Araucana roosters so the second I know there is one I'll let you know.
  9. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have 4 auracana chicks and a bunch of ameraucana.
  10. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yes this brooder will work well I think, but it's still small if I were to try and raise a large number of chicken in it but once I get my big coop finished inside I'll have a bigger brooder to "graduate" the chicks I hatch in the house into once they are to big for this brooder. But I'm...
  11. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    So this was just a quick through together brooder. Its all plywood except the bottom, which I used a laminate youvwould generally use on commercial cabinets because it's easy to clean and it won't soak in the moisture. The square pieces that wrap all the way around will slide off each and which...
  12. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anybody have some good ideas for a brooder to keep in the house. I wanna build it though. I got a bunch of scrap wood here at work that I'll grab if I can come up with a fairly simple design. I want it to be easy to clean though and have plenty of room. I was hoping to come up with a bottom that...
  13. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Well I was getting 2 eggs a day the last week and a half from them but this past week they slowed down to one every other day. I only got to set 4 eggs this week. Once the pick up again I'll send you all I can save within a week.
  14. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Is anyone NPIP certified? Can someone explain to me what I have to do to get the certification as well as what does having it do for me? I'm thinking about trying to get the certification. But I wanna know what I'll have to do to get it and what it's purpose is.
  15. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Sorry to here about your rooster! I hope you get another one like him. Haven't talked to you in a while. Do you still have the Cochins you hatched from my eggs years ago? I still owe you more eggs if I recall. Just thought I'd inform you I have them again. I only have two hens so it takes a...
  16. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    If you ever have anything to sell let me know!! I'm definitely interested in any colors!
  17. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I went to help my girlfriend at the feed store she works at today. Nobody warned me the new shipment of chicks are coming in. I took 7 of them and I'm not sure if I'm happy about it or regret. I only took them because one was crippled and I felt bad for it, I doubt it will survive. All pullets...
  18. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Okay haha, well if you see a Caleb Hendricks post there any time that would be me. I'm part of quite a few chicken groups but none are very local so I usually have to get all my birds shipped when I buy something on them.
  19. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I think I'm gonna split this barn up so when you walk into it there will be 2 pens to your left and two on the right and I'm gonna stack them rather than make them side by side. So it will be like two different floors. I figure Cochins don't really roost and when they do it's not very high so...
  20. C

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    lol I just noticed the deprecating. Sorry I meant divide. But yes that's my plan is to divide the barn into 4- 6 pens. I really only will breed my LF Lemon Blue Cochins and try to get my numbers up but at the same time try to keep my type where it needs to be but improve it as well in some...
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