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  1. K

    Dead hen

    South Carolina. I have already buried her. I now know that Clemson Extension is the resource to contact in the future. Thanks for the kind words. She was a special girl and a true lap chicken.
  2. K

    Dead hen

    I did try to check for mites/lice. Didn't see anything moving on her or in the coop. I did do a complete clean today. Removed all bedding and scrubbed down nesting boxes, floor, and roosting bars with vinegar mixed with hot water. Made sure to dry everything before throwing down some PDZ and...
  3. K

    Dead hen

    I had part of my dynamic duo Thelma and Louise pass away yesterday. Louise was fine yesterday morning and mid-day. We let them out to free range later in the day and I noticed that she was just laying there, not moving much. She was mouth breathing and her comb and wattles were pale pink. She...
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