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  1. KikiDeAnime

    Day 23, No pips, still moving around when I candled

    I was so excited for it too :hit Thankfully my 2 broodies are incubating their own eggs so I have that to look forward to. My rooster actually doing his job has made me happy enough
  2. KikiDeAnime

    Day 23, No pips, still moving around when I candled

    Turns out the last one pipped in the wrong spot. I carefully assisted it. It was fine for a few hours until a few minutes ago when I checked on it and found it dead
  3. KikiDeAnime

    Day 23, No pips, still moving around when I candled

    Update. I went to get video of me candling them and 4 are no longer moving so I tossed them. There's only 1 left still moving.
  4. KikiDeAnime

    Day 23, No pips, still moving around when I candled

    I always keep lockdown humidity at 65% as I read it's recommended. I hold the eggs as still as possible and there's movement. Some of them even jerk around suddenly I'll try to get video of me candling them
  5. KikiDeAnime

    Day 23, No pips, still moving around when I candled

    Sebright eggs. It's day 23 and still no pips but all 5 chicks are still moving around in the eggs when I candled them earlier today. The humidity is where it should be as I have the AcuRite Indoor Digital Thermometer & Hygrometer in the incubator. How long should I wait before I toss them?
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