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  1. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Some updated piccies for those interested. 8 weeks. Blue seems to be growing at a quicker rate. Blues Wattles are contrastingly red compared to pinks.
  2. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    They are 6 weeks old now! First is blue, second is pink.
  3. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    I didn’t know that about slow maturing males! Thank you for sharing. What a bonus if it was a girl! When I put this all together I’m thinking it’s a boy: he went from the smallest/lightest chick to now the second heaviest out of 5. He’s bigger than pink now & he has been observed chest bumping...
  4. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    This aligns with my initial suspicions.. you never know though 😁 hopefully I have at least 1 pullet 🤞🏽
  5. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Great idea! You can tell who they because the one with the dark beak is pink 👍🏽
  6. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Some updated pics- The blue is now 20gms heavier than the pink (pink started off heavier). The blue is still chest bumping & appears taller now. They both look like they have wattles already 😩
  7. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Yeah I agree with you! the string thing seems unbelievable but holding a chick by it’s feet & linking the argument to testosterone levels seems more valid.. although I didn’t take it to be true but thought it was interesting to mention 😀 I have a barnevelder chick which I know is a pullet & she...
  8. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    The blue is the one I’m guessing the most. It was the smallest by 10 grams (made me think girl) and then caught up by week 2 (made me think boy). It was the bully in the group (made me think boy) but that has now stopped.. it used to kick up a fuss when held but now it’s starting to settle...
  9. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Head gear 🤣 I love this term and I will be using it now 😀
  10. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Another week down. The comb of the blue is ever so slightly pinker than the other.. but it always has been. The blue is taking longer to feather up than the pink. Neither really have tails in yet- just a few feathers. I’ve seen this infographic doing the social media rounds where if you hold a...
  11. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Thank you for sharing these pictures. I’m holding onto hope that they’re pullets. The blue is being aggressive and has caused injuries with some of the others. Was about to send back to the farm
  12. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    H how old was she in her pics? I was convinced the blue was a boy because of the chest bumping and now I’m not sure because of your photos & knowledge 😭
  13. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Here they are at 24 days. Feathers coming in for the pink one. Do we think pink is girl or are they both Roos?
  14. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Incredibly agonising waiting.. I’ll check in again next week
  15. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    Updated pics- still not sure on sexing. One is blue the other pink. Do the wings give any hints?
  16. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    It’s so difficult to tell. I didn’t realise the head spot thing as day olds was a thing.. and didn’t get clear pics of them as day olds. They were unsexed. The one that I think is female had the smaller head spot, had darker feet and also weighs less than the other.
  17. Jayteetee

    Barred rock Plymouth Rock gender question

    I have two barred/Plymouth rock chicks. I got them as day olds. I have attached pictures of them at 6 days & also at 2 days old (group photo). They’re a bit older than this now. Let me know what you suspect.
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