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  1. New duck mommy 2021

    Newly hatched chicks belly opened

    Here are updated pics of her belly and her standing up
  2. New duck mommy 2021

    Newly hatched chicks belly opened

    Just want to do a follow up. Baby sunshine is 3 weeks old tomorrow She is thriving Growing and acts just like her hatch mates I’m still in shock how this all happened and how I saved her I had many people tell me they just cull them when this happens Her story proves that’s not always...
  3. New duck mommy 2021

    Newly hatched chicks belly opened

    Last night little sunshine went to her forever home She is gaining weight and even caught up to a few of her hatch mates Her real mom lives at that home as I incubated eggs for a friend from her own flock That little piece fell off yesterday and her button looks great I think sunshine will...
  4. New duck mommy 2021

    Newly hatched chicks belly opened

    I just wanted to share sunshines story In case anyone ever has this happen My first time hatching chicks Have hatched many ducklings Sunshine was the first to hatch She did the perfect hatch and looked great She was moving around the bator within a few mins An hour later the second baby...
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