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  1. LaFleche

    New Rooster got a hammering of another rooster and now open mouth breathing and sounds raspy.

    Adding an adult rooster to a flock with existing two adult males will usually result in a blood bath as they will fight the newcomer to defend their territory and hens. Is there a special reason for bringing in an adult? Existing roosters will tolerate male chicks raised in their flock much...
  2. LaFleche

    New Rooster got a hammering of another rooster and now open mouth breathing and sounds raspy.

    Hello and welcome to the BYC community! :frow How old is he and how many other males do you have in your flock? How many hens? How many coops? How much space in the coop and run? Do they free range? To avoid transferring diseases when purchasing new birds for your flock it best to keep new...
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