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  1. Timbers Happy Hens

    English Orpington color cross

    Wow that was incredibly detailed. Thank you so much that really helped me understand genes a lot better. So In theory I can use this method to determine the color of almost any cross as long as I know if the colors are sex linked, incomplete dominant, dominant or recessive?
  2. Timbers Happy Hens

    English Orpington color cross

    I would love to know better how genes work. Then I could hopefully figure it out myself instead of having to ask next time.
  3. Timbers Happy Hens

    English Orpington color cross

    So I’m buying some lavender cuckoo English Orpington hatching eggs, I’m very excited about it. However at the moment I only have a muave rooster. I understand the colors would most likely be split. But I was wondering what colors to expect from muave over lavender cuckoos? Also have a silver...
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