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  1. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Thanks! I ended up halving it (just happened to have a 1/8 teaspoon on hand 🤗). I’ll give her the new ACS/ACV water mix in the morning. Here’s to hoping it helps! 🤞🏻🐥
  2. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Thank you! I don't know if I have a gallon jug available, but I'll look. I sure hope this does the trick. She's still acting pretty normal, but I can tell she isn't feeling 100%. The fact that she isn't too interested in eating has me a little worried. Anyway, all the best and I'll let you...
  3. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    I think I should start giving my Phoebe water with the Acidified Copper Sulfate. She seems to have a mild case of sour crop now (her crop is kind of gassy and she’s not interested in eating much). Also, I’m reluctant to try taking out more of the canker because I fear I might accidentally...
  4. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Mini update on my hen, Phoebe... My girl is still struggling with what I believe is canker. This morning I tried digging more of the canker out (because she was showing discomfort the night before when she tried to swallow). I got out a good chunk and several little chunks, but there is still...
  5. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Thank you! This sounds like a good plan 🤗.
  6. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Hello fellow chicken people! I have a hen (3 year old Barred Rock) with what I'm 90% sure is canker. Here's what I know so far: 1.) She has some nasty, cheese-like gunk in her mouth I at first thought was wet pox. 2.) Her breath smells bad (almost like old tuna...? Hard to describe, but it is...
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