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  1. Goosebaby

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    Keep her inside in a warm spot until she dries out.
  2. Goosebaby

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    It could be either, too much calcium or too little. The best way to tell would be to have a vet do some blood testing, if they do their own lab work results could be in that day, but if they’re an average vet they send samples off and results will usually be in 3 to 4 business days which is...
  3. Goosebaby

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    Well then she could have an egg stuck, but it could be an issue with calcium, too little or too much. The risk of it being too much is there so I don’t think you should give her any. You could stick her in a tub of warm water, it will help her to relax and pass an egg if that’s the issue, if...
  4. Goosebaby

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    I think that came from the Mayo Clinic? That quote is correct except that it’s misleading, they do cause few side effects when taken correctly. Calcium can build up in the blood stream if taken in too high of dosages over a period of time and causes numerous problems. It only briefly lists the...
  5. Goosebaby

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    If she’s hypercalcemic don’t give her any more calcium.
  6. Goosebaby

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    Extra fluid in the abdominal cavity “ascites” which causes their abdomen to enlarge and sag down can be due to heart failure, an organ issue, or issues with the reproductive system in female birds, or even a tumor. If that’s what’s been going on with her the last few years I doubt it’s heart...
  7. Goosebaby

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    Could you post a picture of your duck? What breed is she? Does she stand unusually upright?
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