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  1. Alexandra Runner

    Why not?

    Nope, I'd rather have the cute one, haha!
  2. Alexandra Runner

    Why not?

    Ok, I think this one fits better, as I am not so little and cute anymore (sigh). Still imaginative (that's the horse part), but it's good enough! Thanks, everybody! Ok, I might switch it back later, we'll see... 😆😋
  3. Alexandra Runner

    Why not?

    Hahaha! Ok, pc's first one was by far the best out of all it tried to create! Maybe artificial intelligence isn't as intelligent as it would like us to think...
  4. Alexandra Runner

    Why not?

    Ok, my curls aren't that tight, but with a good tan and a little imagination, that one is my favorite!
  5. Alexandra Runner

    Why not?

    Awww!! Those are CUTE! Thanks, Debbie!
  6. Alexandra Runner

    Why not?

    @PicChick can you make a profile picture for a girl who loves horses and chickens?
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