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  1. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    She's still looking good! Oh, and I also wanted to tell you how much I love wood shavings for duck bedding! You were right that it is much better at absorbing wet duck poop and lasts a lot longer. I tested two brands, Tractor Supply and Top Bedding, and the Top Bedding screened spruce/fir/pine...
  2. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    I don't want to celebrate too soon, but Winona seems to be doing better today! She was actually foraging with the others and this evening she joined in on the head bobbing! Thanks, @Miss Lydia, for the treatment suggestion. I hope to get an updated droppings pic in the coming days.
  3. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Thank you. I'm hoping she was just waiting for an egg to pass. But it's hard not to worry.
  4. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    My mom woke me up early today because Winona didn't immediately come out of the coop like the rest of them when she opened the door. Mom found Winona just standing there with her beak under her wing. So into the hospital crate she went with activated charcoal in her water. I gave her a few...
  5. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Thanks, I appreciate it.
  6. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Hi Chris! I'm wondering if you agree with @Sosalty that it sounds like Winona is just going through a normal phase due to hormones. That is what I'm leaning toward because she otherwise looks okay.
  7. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Sure is. About 16 inches. Looks like it will melt pretty quickly though.
  8. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Still watching Winona's behavior when I can. She has not gotten any worse and is back to hissing at me when I get close to her. We got so much snow they haven't been able to get out and about. That's Winona on the lower ramp. She jumped down underneath the coop. I'll be checking there...
  9. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    I do think it's very likely you're right. Thank you for sharing your experience - it sounds a lot like mine and my ducks are at the right age. Chickens don't suddenly stop flocking with the others like that unless they are sick so it worried me. I watched Winona for a while this morning and...
  10. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Just saw your edit. While I am not new to poultry, I am new to ducks so I still don't quite know what to expect. You don't think it sounds like a normal hormone change for my Winona?
  11. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Thank you! That makes me feel better. When I noticed the change in behavior my first thought was she must be laying. She isn't sitting on eggs yet, but she's been very calm and tame like you describe. She is still foraging, drinking, bathing, and doing duckie stuff, but just not as much. I...
  12. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    I think so. I know she was foraging and eating grass/weeds yesterday.
  13. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    She did actually hiss at me a little today, but then let me pet and examine her. She continues to be less enthusiastic about joining the other ducks in the head bobbing "dances." Can they all of a sudden become calmer and tamer when they mature?
  14. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    She's the same. They're all in the coop trying to stay warm. Now that it's spring, winter has returned. haha
  15. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Yes, I will. Thanks!
  16. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    I do know how to give liquids by oral syringe, but thanks for the instructions. I'm not sure I'll be able to start her on the charcoal tonight. We just had a sudden blizzard and it's supposed to be very cold and windy tomorrow. Would rather not bring her inside the much warmer house again...
  17. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Okay! How do I administer the activated charcoal? Do I give the 8 oz of charcoal slurry in small amounts throughout the day with a syringe?
  18. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Here is Willoughby's poop. Also not really normal?
  19. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Huh, okay. All of their poops have looked like that ever since I got them. Only occasionally they'll have firm poop when they haven't been drinking much. To be honest I can't actually tell if she's laying. At least one of my ducks is and I assumed it was her because she wasn't always with...
  20. StinkyAcres

    Muscovy acting differently than the rest

    Okay, thanks. Does her poop look normal to you?
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