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  1. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    At night they have wide (4”) wooden planks for roosting. The bedding in the coop is a mix of hay straw and pine shavings, everything in their run is wood and the ground is just regular hard dirt / grass. In the coop I have a dropping board underneath the roosts with pine shavings so it keeps the...
  2. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    Thanks I will look into those food options! Is the all flock / grower pellet fine for the hens as well? We have oyster shells / crushed egg shells available for the hens and with treats it’s maybe only 2 times a week.
  3. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    We did end up doing that on the largest of the scabs and there was a pretty thick layer of hard brown and yellow tissue so I figure this is bumblefoot but I am not sure - is it possible for so many spots on his foot to have that infection!? Or bumblefoot plus something else
  4. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    We had another rooster who passed away from a bunch of puzzling symptoms who also had two spots on his feet. In that case we soaked and then removed the hard brown and yellow tissue. They eat layer feed (sorry I’m not sure if that’s enough details) and they get fruit and veggie scraps, free...
  5. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    A few weeks ago I noticed my roosters toes (one toe per foot) looked a bit swollen and he had scabs all over on the bottom which looked like bumblefoot. So I brought him in and gave Epson salt soak but after soaking the scabs looked like they were just on the very surface of the skin / nothing...
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