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  1. goats-n-oats

    Injured muskovy/predator attack/any chance at saving her

    You might also look into getting rid of the snapper turtle.
  2. goats-n-oats

    Injured muskovy/predator attack/any chance at saving her

    Edit: wrap the gauze roll around her a few times, around the abdomen, and over and under the wings, to hold the no-stick pad in place. Use the tape to secure the gauze in place. Tbh the tape tended to fall off, so I imagine a sticky roll like this might work as well...
  3. goats-n-oats

    Injured muskovy/predator attack/any chance at saving her

    Hi, one of my dogs chewed on a hens neck and removed most of the skin exposing the spine. I went to the local pharmacist and they recommended: no-stick sterile pads (3"*3"), gauze on top of that and surgical tape to hold the gauze in place without sticking to the feathers right by the wound. The...
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