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  1. Folly's place

    In pursuit of Mr. Right

    I've had three roosters who decided to become human aggressive after their first year. All gradually worked up to actual attacks, and were pretty obvious about it. Most times, difficult behaviors happen that first year. Breeds vary; our white Chanteclers from Cackle have been good boys...
  2. Folly's place

    In pursuit of Mr. Right

    And I don't make exceptions/ excuses for cock birds who dislike some color, or something I'm wearing, or who attacks because I'm holding another bird. I am the Queen, not another chicken, and anyone confused about that isn't too smart... Mary
  3. Folly's place

    In pursuit of Mr. Right

    Our worst cockerel ever was a cute bantam who started flairing and attacking at eight weeks of age! He was a real SOB, and did not improve, and left after he was a very few months of age. Really an amazing little twit! Here chicks raised by a broody hen are with her and in the flock from seven...
  4. Folly's place

    In pursuit of Mr. Right

    You are gaining valuable experience, seeing early cockerel behaviors that turn into problems. It does get easier to decide who the keepers are, and who are idiot jerks who need to be dinner. And there are often nice cockerels or roosters who need homes, depending on your biosecurity concerns...
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