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  1. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    I know I may be beating the horse dead but can a veteran tell me If i were to catch my seramas illness earlier on and was able to take him to a vet and they did say it was a heart or liver issue is that pretty much fatal or could something be done to stop it from getting worse and he could have...
  2. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    Thank you, yes he was pretty different from my normal hens. Hence we got attached to him pretty fast vs our flock. These breeds are real fun to have but that life span I suppose you really have to take into count. It they were 10 years the great but from my research it looks like 1-5 years is...
  3. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    Thank you for your input. luckily, We live in northern cali and the temps right now are 60 degrees during the day. At night it drops to low 50's. The day he died the temp was around 66 degrees with no wind. Seramas can handle low 40's and some even in the high 30's. I would never let him be in...
  4. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    @Eggcessive I also wondered that. I looked it up and plum has no symptoms that are related. But I appricate the info. Eggcessive I know you are a big player on here. I have researched alot and I am coming to the conclusion that our Plum died from heart failer. it looks like he was losing oxygen...
  5. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    Now That I compare the 2 images, I can clearly see his skin was pale as well compared to before. So what causes Pale skin, droopy comb and purple/blue comb, droopy eyes? Could this be a heart or liver issue?
  6. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    No one picking on him, the coop we put him in he is the boss. So did your roos comb look like mine did before they died if you can remember? Thanks for the thoughts... I am kinda done beating my self up, now I am after answers and a necrotopsy is not able to happen. I have other hens and want to...
  7. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    I finally found a great image of him healthy. This picture was taken on Feb 16th so you can clearly see a big difference in his comb with this pic and with the other ones a few weeks later (see under this one) . Any ideas based on this new info of what happend? Before on 2/16/2024 AFTER a...
  8. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    He loved the dog and they were separated 100% My post sounds otherwise sorry. . He only stayed in his cage at night, during the day he was out with the other hens in the coop.
  9. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    here is a few pictures of him a few days before he died and one of his coffin. His comb looks off and is not bright pink as it should be and is droopy. Was this something that was forshadowing his death?
  10. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    On the last day he was alive we put him from his normal cage in the garage to the outside coop to spend some time with his lady friends we did that at about 12 pm. The weather was about 60 degrees partly cloudy skies. He seemed ok. when we got home at 10pm we found him dead. My other 2 chickens...
  11. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    looking at the weather on the day he died, it was somewhere around 52-55 degrees with 5 mph winds but he was in a outside coop that was surrounded by 3 walls. I dont think the weather would have killed him. It was just cloudy. We got home at 10pm and he was already gone cold to the touch and was...
  12. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    Thank you for the reply. We would put him out in the other coop that was out side during the day with our regular hens but we had to bring him in at night because we are not allowed roos and in the morning he would crow. He also stopped crowing the past few weeks.
  13. plumtheserma

    My Serama Died over the weekend, can anyone look at the images and tell me possibly how?

    Hello, My dear Serama died over the weekend. He was about 3 years old. He lived in the garage in a very large cage along with my dog. I am baffled on what could have killed him so at his age. Here is a bit of background on him. We got him and 3 of his siblings when they were super young, maybe...
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