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  1. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Me too!! She is able to see sooo well. Trying to apply colloidal was quite the challenge lol, she could see me coming! She is soooo good today! She is integrating with her man and flock :) 😀 💗💗
  2. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Well I saw this late, but all the puss went away!! Yay!
  3. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    @AidKD Her eye is looking soooo good!!! Today she got fermented food :) She's a fast healer, tomorrow it will be 100% amazing! 😀😀🌻💗😇🌄🌞
  4. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Even better today!!! Half the puss as before, she's singing and can almost open her eye half way now!!! Yay! Inflammation has gone wayyyyy down :) 😀 😃 :love:clap:jumpy😇🥰🥳🥳!
  5. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Okay, so Rulu is looking better!!! Her eye is distinguishable now from her face lol. Her eyelids are visible. Eye is still closed but got a good amount of colloidal silver on it and she's calm and happy about it. I can see her eye now if I touch it she opens her eyelids very little but enough to...
  6. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Thank you 😊 💓 me too. Have a good night 😴
  7. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Quite calm might I add, she's gotten quite a few doses of colloidal silver. She's drinking on her own and eating her yummy peas 😋:)
  8. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Okay :) She's sleeping right now 😴 😌
  9. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Okay, I'll give it a try. It's a recipe that vet's use to treat inflammation especially when a hen has a prolapsed vent. I think a quick internet search will give you the details if you want. Okay thank you, I don't think I see anything, she's very calm still.
  10. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Thank you for your replies, is there a specific way to do that? I suspect she got hit or pecked in the eye somehow.
  11. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    Okay, what about fructose water to deal with swelling? Just wondering if it would help. I like the probiotic idea.
  12. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    First off, no one panic please or feel bad because Rulu the Rhode Island Red has lived a veryyyyy long happy life. So, today we went out to the ducks, turkeys and chickens and I noticed Rulus eye being shut. I quickly investigated without touching her. Then, I asked my freind to help me put her...
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