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  1. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    Unfortunately it really has not trended in the direction we have been hoping. Rosie's "Bad" leg is no longer as floppy, but she seems even more "splayed" than she was before and even with help she struggles to get up on her feet and stay there. so I made an appt for a vet -- it is a vet we...
  2. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    Hi all, thought I would pop in with a quick update but there is not too much to say. Rose is about the same... some good days, some bad. Continuing with meloxicam 2x a day and liquid vitamin b (which is in her little cup here). We got her some turf because she seems to do best with grass areas...
  3. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    attempted to re-splint this afternoon but I was alone and just could not wrangle a 10 pound duck and stabilize the foot without an extra set of hands, so settled for some deep pool water therapy and a little "pt" on the ground. she is showing some modest improvement -- able to stand up off the...
  4. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    This morning she was not easily bearing weight on the splinted foot like she was last night, so I decided to unwrap it for the day. Not sure if she was just tired/sore, if the splint exacerbated the problem, or (this is what I think/hope) her foot slipped out of the stable position we had it in...
  5. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    I have read several posts saying that splinting can have unintended consequences like exacerbating swelling, decreasing circulation etc, but seeing how quickly it provided her support definitely seemed to improve her quality of life immediately (able to give herself a good preen of those belly...
  6. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    @CoriM @Miss Lydia @Lelilamom After looking at pictures and ideas for possible splints, I decided to give it a try to see if splinting would help her get more functional use out of the leg. What worked was cutting up a duck-foot-shaped split out of a first-aid emergency splint (the brand name...
  7. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    No processing -- she is very much a pet -- but we just don't feel like surgery is a reasonable option since pekins are so prone to these issues. We sure love her though! She is in a pretty small area and is luckily resting most of the day. She does get a little anxious and wound up when she is...
  8. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    Thank you for your response @Miss Lydia. The upper part of her leg is definitely enlarged, but I don't think it is significantly more than baseline. She is still really not able to get up to her feet on her own, that left leg is rotated way back. But with support to get her in the right...
  9. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    Hi everyone! upping my own thread about this issue. We treated Rosie with meloxicam and vit b complex for several weeks and she eventually started running again. Unfortunately, she has taken another step back and it seems like an injury... This yesterday, she was really struggling to bring...
  10. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    Thank you!!! We will get some. She is still struggling today but hoping for the best.
  11. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    Hi all! I took in a female pekin this past september (so 5 months ago). She was adopted from the SPCA and the only information I had is that it was some kind of animal hoarder situation. I assume her diet was probably not ideal. She started laying eggs in early January -- so that makes us think...
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