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  1. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    I'm almost certain there is not an egg-eater because I go outside to them very frequently and I haven't seen any evidence. That's not to say it isn't possible, but I will consider your recommendations.
  2. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    Hmm, are the chickens just duds or what should I do next?
  3. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    I'll check their vents today, but they are fed 22% layer feed, eating around 3-5.5oz a day (is that too much for them to eat?), and are occasionally fed scratch grain and oyster shells. After some research I am almost sure it is a diet problem, either not enough protein or calcium.
  4. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    So we have one very large rooster (Unknown Breed), 6 Buff Orpington hens (2 of which are 5+ yrs old), 2 Leghorns who have just started laying, a New Hampshire Red, a Sapphire Splash, and a Barred Rock. The 4 younger Buffs are 3 years old (About to be 4 this spring), the 2 Leghorns are mature...
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