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  1. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Ah I am sorry! That's too bad. Glad you have a healthy chick. Hope it integrates well with your others!
  2. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Yay baby! Welcome! Has the other egg pipped yet?
  3. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Its "closed" and dried but there is still a little nub or something like the skin didn't close over but rather that flesh dried? Not sure how best to describe it. He is acting like a normal emu, getting his legs, tasting food/ water and his siblings toes. He is smaller and oh so cute! I guess...
  4. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Yay!! That's so exciting. I can't believe they developed. I had 5 shipped eggs from sudden different people this year and none of them even started. Only my local ones. Emu snuggles coming your way!
  5. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    @Pyxis Ever had this happen? Baby just pushed out a few minutes ago. I put some iodine on it. It's there hope for this little one?
  6. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Nice! I should have 4 hatching in the next 4 to 5 days too. The wonky incubator killed 4 developing chicks. Very sad.
  7. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Ah, hi babies! Any more?
  8. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Update: 4 of those 5 eggs that had another even greater temp spike had chicks in them. The time period at higher heat, if only few hours, killed the developing chicks. I did call the manufacturer. Very sad. I still have 10 eggs in, have confirmed 6 wiggling in the last 2 weeks, but only 4...
  9. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Ugh... my incubator that I hatched the first 3 emu babies this year in has decided to go a little nutso and temps are all over the place. I relocated some of the eggs to other incubators. I know have 3 going to see if I can regulate it. I had temps in some areas up to almost 101! Yikes. I...
  10. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Oh shucks.... lol!
  11. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Did yours ever get busy laying any eggs?
  12. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Ooohhh... what colors? And how much??
  13. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Oh.... we should track how many minutes we spend watching for eggs to wiggle 🤣 So glad you are seeing wiggles. How many eggs do you have in now?
  14. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Wow... so you just woke up to two sweet babies. Great way to start a Saturday! My 3 are 2 weeks now so they are spending their days outside with access to a heated coop and then I bring them in to sleep. Its in the mid 20's here overnight so even with heat I am not sure they would be warm...
  15. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Congratulations! They are so cute!! What day did they hatch? Fast forward 2 weeks and be ready for poop.... lots and lots of giant poop! 🤣
  16. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Any pips?!
  17. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    What are they?! Lol. Just kidding! How many eggs do you have incubating now?
  18. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Any babies yet??
  19. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    Very exciting! This round of 3 I hatched last week were on day 51, 52, and 53. I bet you'll have a baby soon! Are they both still wiggling?
  20. Strawberry74

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    I have chick grit so I'll put that in with the feed and greens tomorrow. These babies are really sweet. I am enjoying them a lot! Yay! That's great news and maybe some blonde babies! 4 of the ones I picked up locally have a chance of being blonde. fingers crossed!
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