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  1. Skalabs


    Hello from Northwest OC!
  2. Skalabs


    Easter Eggers or simila Not really. What do you have?
  3. Skalabs


    Hi all! Looking for a trusted source for pullets in southern California, northwest Orange County. Lost my three hens several months ago, in a seemingly freak accident during a really windy afternoon.
  4. Skalabs


    Could they be Silver Birchen Bantam Cochins?
  5. Skalabs


    Any ideas on the breed of these two?
  6. Skalabs


    Totally agree. I'm down to two hens and would like more, but I'll wait and see what is going on with the quarantine. I was dog sitting and did not realize two chickens were on the pool side. (They would take a daily stroll on the other side while the other two were content with the chicken...
  7. Skalabs


    I saw this on LAUCE: Does anyone have an active Black Soldier Fly bin? Anyone try raising these?
  8. Skalabs


    Uh oh. Looks like I may have a little roo. Ugh. If so, I’ll need to find a home for him. Jessimom, care for a Leghorn roo?
  9. Skalabs


    The chick is a Leghorn. Its comb is pinkish rather than red. I hope its a pullet, too! At what age should I figure the sex of the chick?
  10. Skalabs


    It has been 3 weeks since I introduced the chick, and all is going well! Looks like a hen, right?
  11. Skalabs


    Thank you for the info! I placed the chick in the nest box last night, and all has gone well so far.
  12. Skalabs


    She is broody, but the chicks are 2 weeks old. (A teacher hatched chicks in her classroom.)
  13. Skalabs


    I know I can put eggs under a broody hen, but can I put a chick in the nest box and have the hen accept it?
  14. Skalabs


    Just an annual health check.
  15. Skalabs


    Just had my annual flock check. The Zambrano’s come out 2-3 times a year, but they typically see the dogs and cats. (Hopefully a goat in the future, but I need to check with the city first.)
  16. Skalabs


    How do you all maintain your sand runs? I read that some remove then replace sand, but that is a lot of work. Looking for ideas.
  17. Skalabs


    My local Kahoots only has 25lb bags for $29.99. The Feed Barn has 25lb and 40lb bags for $25.99 and $35.99.
  18. Skalabs


    I’m going to see if there is a FB group in my area. Sounds like a great idea!
  19. Skalabs


    Thinking about a new dog, so we’ve visited a few local shelters. OC Animal Care had about 6 hens available. Plymouth Rock, RIR, and a couple of others.
  20. Skalabs


    Welcome Kevin & Kim! BYC is the place to be for practical chicken info!
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