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  1. NewHen


  2. NewHen


    I ordered eggs from Papa's Poulty to hatch at my daughter's school. He has the pens divided and marks the eggs so you know what lines they're from. He sent plenty of extras. Our hatch rate wasn't great but the incubator was in the classroom. I think we only had 1-2 without any development...
  3. NewHen


    Is there anyone in the Los Angeles area who wants one or more of my cockerels from onceinabluemoonfarmstead for free? I have two splash from the wheaten/bluewheaten/splash Ameraucanas and possibly one white Amerauacana. I'm in the San Fernando Valley.
  4. NewHen


    if you look on Craigslist there's a lady in Altadena who sells a backyard mix of hatching eggs for $1 each. Our school had great hatch rates from her eggs--much better than shipped eggs from breeders and hatcheries.
  5. NewHen


    . Can you wash legs gently with warm water and the dust legs and coop and nests with DE? My hen's legs looked okay but I noticed little bugs on the wooden eggs in her nest. I dusted her and the coop with DE and all bugs were gone within a day or so.
  6. NewHen


    Hello. Is there anyone in the San Fernando Valley or Los Angeles area that would be interested in male Crested Cream Legbar chick or a male Golden Cuckoo Marans chick for pick up in Encino?
  7. NewHen


    The person who was going to pick him up this weekend just changed his mind. If anyone is interested, please let me know. I already had removed the post from the auction site but I can email more pix too. Quote:
  8. NewHen


    Hello! Our "undetermined" buff silkie that we hatched from "peachick's" eggs in June crowed this morning. I need to find him a new home. I listed him in the auction site, but if anyone wants to pick him up in Encino, i.e. Los Angeles, please email me. He's beautiful but Eva turned out to be...
  9. NewHen


    Quote: Hi Baustin. Sounds like you need to get another roo. You should have got some saddles for your girls so the roo can't cut them up. They look like chicken capes and are a serious life saver. The hens are most likely picking on one another trying to determine who's the boss. A roo is the...
  10. NewHen


    I hatched pullets in June 2010 from eggs I bought from "peachick." I have one black marans, one exchequer leghorn and one blue marans to sell from that hatch. $25 each. I also have one Australorp & one Light Brahma hen from mypetchicken, that hatched in May 2010 for $15 each. The Australorp...
  11. NewHen


    Quote: Well, if I decide against a second coop, I might have a solid blue marans pullet from our June hatch available. It's so hot in the SFV today. We went to Zuma Beach and it was so cold and windy there we came home.
  12. NewHen


    Quote: I saw chicks at the Red Barn Feedstore last weekend. I think they had barred rocks and EEs. You might try calling them.
  13. NewHen


    Quote: I'm in Encino and have 2 black copper marans cockerels if you're interested in males. If you used them over the Ameracauna, Aracauna or EEs you'd get Olive Eggers.
  14. NewHen


    Quote: I'll be in Escondido at the end of AUG and can meet someone there too! New Hen, what are you coming to Escondido for? Not to be nosy but do you need any Silkie roos? Anyone else in San Diego want to meet up? Just do a casual lunch?? Naomi We're only coming for a short time with our...
  15. NewHen


    Quote: I got one of those black composter that spins from I also just put in raised, tiered garden beds made of recycled material from Our composter doesn't smell, but really, I haven't kept it wet enough so I have droppings and wood shavings "stored" rather than...
  16. NewHen


    Quote: I'll be in Escondido at the end of AUG and can meet someone there too!
  17. NewHen


    I posted my 5 w black copper marans cockerals in the auction section. I'm trying to find good homes for them with someone who can pick them up in Encino, CA. If anyone is interested, please let me know. They're beauties.
  18. NewHen


    Quote: Thanks for the offer but I just want females. AND, peachick is going to sell me some hatching eggs so I decided to hatch just so I can get her very blue laying birds. I also ordered her silkies, exchequer leghorns and solid blue coppers. I will post any extras after the hatch in case...
  19. NewHen


    I don't know if this is the best thread in which to post this but I REALLY REALLY want Ameraucanas now. I can't wait until next year. I've got black copper marans due to hatch on WED and am thinking about getting chicks instead of hatching eggs, so I don't prolong the period of the chicks in...
  20. NewHen


    I'm in the San Fernando Valley too. Just got my 4 chicks this weeks.
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