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  1. Anna6


    I am trying some Golden Sexlinks and Cherry Eggers this year.
  2. Anna6


    Yes left over veggies or scraps are great for the chickens or ducks. I even feed them the weeds. Do you start your own plants or buy starter plants. I think there is a section on this board that is for people interested in gardening too. Here you go-...
  3. Anna6


    Happy belated birthday Hosspak!
  4. Anna6


    That is a great cauliflower! One of my sons and I are trying our hand at a vegetable garden but we have much to learn still.
  5. Anna6


    We have Marans with feathers on their feet. Some of the eggs are very dark. I was told the Dark Copper Marans have the really dark brown eggs. I think DH is done hatching Marans for now as he wanted only 15 hens and 3 roosters. He has splash, dark copper and blue. If you want him to hatch some...
  6. Anna6


    Hmm we have never had that but I have nearly fallen over a goat because I am busy, not looking and they want to be close to people. We handle all our goats a lot and right off do not let them but or other negative behavior. Milking a goat is a big commitment indeed. It is also hard to leave and...
  7. Anna6


    We have had milk goats, Nubians, for nearly 24 years. I second the need for protection of dogs. we have lost multiple goats to dogs but not to coyotes. We do take extra protection for the new born goats. We dehorn all our goats. My children have lots of fun with the goats and are used to...
  8. Anna6


    I would think any other standard sized breed would work except for game type. We have several breeds separated into breeding pens but then have many others in a mixed barn yard flock. It sometimes depends on the personality of a chicken too. Also if they start off as 1 day old chicks together...
  9. Anna6


    I just hatched 10 Heritage Bar Rock from eggs that I bought. I have been waiting to get these Bar Rock from the time I got back into chickens again. Mine are just feathering in. I will try and post pictures soon. There are some boards on here especially dedicated to Bar Rocks.
  10. Anna6


    I know! Don't you think the Yak might be a bit hot in Hemet? They sure look amazing.
  11. Anna6


    A River Buffalo sounds good to me. Up in Oregon we had friends that had a regular bull Bison. One day it decided it was sick and tired of being locked up. He went and took a walk straight through the fence and into their little town. The sheriff had to shoot it. These animals require some...
  12. Anna6


    Hmm and the heat hasn't even started. I noticed it too. I am needing to supply more shade. I have heard of people giving their chickens a big ice block in their water. Mine are all walking around with their mouths open. Lots of water available.
  13. Anna6


    We sell hatching eggs to schools but are far out of your area. Hopefully some one closer to you will respond.
  14. Anna6


    Look who arrived today! Three Nubian does.
  15. Anna6


    We are looking for an Americana/ Easter egger rooster.
  16. Anna6


    Pitty! I would have loved to buy some of those beautiful hatching eggs.
  17. Anna6


    We are collecting Buff Orpington eggs and plan to bring them.
  18. Anna6


    We have 2 roosters for our hens running through the back yard. Thank you to everyone that offered roosters and a special thanks to Teresa. Can't wait to meet up with everyone March 2!
  19. Anna6


    Hahahahaha But ofcourse! You might be surprised though. At one time for some reason none of our goats were in milk and we had just adopted our youngest son and had several other young children with milk allergy. A lady we barely knew had mercy on us and sold us a goat that was fresh with milk to...
  20. Anna6


    Thank you for the responses to my quest for a roo. I am trying to see what is closer and will work sooner. I am running the options by DH to see what can work. I really appreciate all your response and kind offers for help. Chicken folks are the best!
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