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  1. barkingdoginn

    Rooster with bumblefoot not standing up

    Just an update - he is about the same still can’t sit up or use his legs to get around. One leg is very clearly more active than the other, when he’s in his sling he can push on the ground with it. The leg that had the “larger” of the bumblefoot scabs has little mobility, kind of just hangs out...
  2. barkingdoginn

    Rooster with bumblefoot not standing up

    Made him a little sling so he can relax and take a load off. So far he’s still the same can’t really sit up on his own or stand, he was able to curl his toes up better today on his more limp leg and eating / drinking fine. Will just let him relax and hopefully see if he gets more mobile. Any...
  3. barkingdoginn

    Rooster with bumblefoot not standing up

    We have another rooster who he’s pretty ok with, this guy is smaller and definitely not an instigator and neither is the other guy. the pic of the foot was the worse of the two. We added some new hens about 4 months ago. We now have him inside resting. No I haven’t seen that disease before with...
  4. barkingdoginn

    Rooster with bumblefoot not standing up

    My rooster is almost 2, on Wednesday I went to tuck them in and he was in the nest box laying on his side. He seemed like he wasn’t able to use his legs well and was pretty wobbly on them so I brought him inside. Later on that night we see hard black spots on the bottom of both his feet, one...
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