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  1. RiDaGeckoGuy

    How many hens for two roosters

    So do you think I could keep jersey giant hens and Brahma hens since I keep my coop extra ventilated with a fan throughout summer
  2. RiDaGeckoGuy

    How many hens for two roosters

    My brother only messes with the Orpington and the maran is scared that I’ll hurt him if he try’s anything so he let’s me touch the hens while the Orpington will give his life for his hens
  3. RiDaGeckoGuy

    How many hens for two roosters

    Thank you I have a little holding area and i do like how my roosters protect the flock My Orpington only attacks if a hen is involved or when younger brother antagonises him through the fence by kicking it and running around it. I don’t want to butcher him because it’s not his fault and he...
  4. RiDaGeckoGuy

    How many hens for two roosters

    I mean I don’t want to cull current flock members
  5. RiDaGeckoGuy

    How many hens for two roosters

    if I get roosters from my eggs as babies I will most likely cull them or let them have full access to the yard to free range
  6. RiDaGeckoGuy

    How many hens for two roosters

    I have really chill roosters when it comes to each other and other chickens they don’t over mate and unless the hen wants to they won’t mate and the Orpington only has problems with silkies. My maran though is really sweet and calm with me and the other birds but the Orpington is aggressive to...
  7. RiDaGeckoGuy

    How many hens for two roosters

    My roosters had a spree when they first matured where they mated like crazy but now they don’t mate as often especially foggy the orp because he is bigger and it’s harder for him to mate because he’s fat and it wears him out and Hei Hei is just scared foggy will hurt him. I want to know what the...
  8. RiDaGeckoGuy

    How many hens for two roosters

    My list of chickens 2 Barred Plymouth Rock hens, both laying, Sarah, 36 weeks old, and Hocus Pocus around 144 weeks 1 Dominque pullet, laying, Winifred, 36 weeks 1 Black Copper Maran rooster, mating, Hei Hei, 32 weeks old 1 Easter Egger pullet, laying, Jelly Bean, 32 weeks old 1...
  9. RiDaGeckoGuy

    How many hens for two roosters

    I have a lavender Orpington rooster and a French black coppper maran rooster and 8 hens I have 1 maran hen, 1 EE hen, 1 maran mix hen, 2 barred rock hens, 1 Dominique hen, 1 buff Orpington hen, and 1 speckled Sussex hen. My lavender orp kills silkies on purpose for some reason so I can’t get...
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