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  1. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    Thank you, I appreciate the information. Home depot should pay you for advertising lol
  2. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    I'll look into that. I've been thinking same thing. Working on some land now and putting up a new, bigger fence for them. Doing it differently this time, a safer way lol
  3. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    Here's few pics but may not be great pics lol. She's doing a lot better. She's standing and walks but walks like a humped over old lady lol but getting better every day. It's possible she got stuck in the fence and panicked and jerked her leg out. I just saved one the some how got her bill stuck...
  4. sjallen78

    Injured duck

  5. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    Sorry for late reply. Been so busy with her and taking care of my other animals, not injured lol that I forgot to get back on here lol. She's dooms great. We put her in the pool once a day and swims good, now she's standing more but walks like a little old lady, but getting better every day
  6. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    She's doing better now. I put her in pool to see how she'd do, at first leg went out like splayed leg, then she got it under her and swim, not like she normally swims but was moving around. Then I brought her in the house, clean her foot and leg good. Massaged it. Swelling went down, I held her...
  7. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    Yeah, I checked her foot and then I put her in pool. At first one leg went out to the side like splayed leg, then she got it under her. I brought her in the house. Swelling went down and she ended up laying her head on mine and went to sleep lol. She's never done that, she always runs from us...
  8. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    I just separated one of my hens because rooster is constantly messing with her. I guess she was his favorite but I started noticing she was losing weight then limping she's doing great now.
  9. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    I think so too. He's aggressive with them. Maybe he'll calm down as he gets older. Told he was 8 months
  10. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    Thank you, I really think it's thr new one, Bob, causing it. I had one limping few days ago but better next day.
  11. sjallen78

    Injured duck

    I have indian runner ducks, I bought a male suppose to been blue Indian runner but looks black or maybe mixed drake. It wasn't the same drake as Pic. I kept it anyways because I felt it was safer with us. Anyway, she's almost 2yrs old. I noticed her limping a couple days ago, then yesterday she...
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