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  1. Miss Lydia

    4 month old muscovy duck with drooping wings

    Poor boy, but one of these days he'll show them. My girls are good flyers but I clip one wing becasue if they leave their fenced property they are in the woods and I would rather they not be some predators breakfast, lunch, or supper.
  2. Miss Lydia

    4 month old muscovy duck with drooping wings

    My old man Muscovy drake only flaps his wings after he has had his bath and that is to get any remaining water off not that he is showing off he is too old for that. lol
  3. Miss Lydia

    4 month old muscovy duck with drooping wings

    Waiting for the wing muscles to get strong. Nothing we can do it's all up to him. But hopefully, this will start getting better soon as the muscles strengthen. You've seen how long the wing span is on these drakes that takes alot of strength to hold them up. Make sure your feeding a good well...
  4. Miss Lydia

    4 month old muscovy duck with drooping wings

    They can get so heavy with blood especially the drakes that their wings will droop so that just might be the problem I have seen my Muscovy drakes do this when their flight feathers are full of blood. That looks pretty extreme although it doesn't look like Angel is starting. Does he try lifting...
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