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  1. MrsThousand

    How many roosters and hens can live in my coop?

    Wow! Thank you for your insights! So helpful! I will keep you posted on our solutions and results.
  2. MrsThousand

    How many roosters and hens can live in my coop?

    Thank you for the wonderful advice! You gave a perfect description as to how our spring will probably look. When my Buff Orpington Roo’s hormones kicked in last spring, his goal was to make me one of his girls. I had to carry something with me in the yard to protect myself (I never hit him...
  3. MrsThousand

    How many roosters and hens can live in my coop?

    I am convinced that you are correct. It will be easier on us humans as well as the flock if we only have one rooster. Thank you for your detailed response. My husband believes that he can cull them himself, but I think he will have a hard time processing them without in person guidance. I’ll...
  4. MrsThousand

    How many roosters and hens can live in my coop?

    Thank you! I will add my location. I appreciate your response and advice.
  5. MrsThousand

    How many roosters and hens can live in my coop?

    You are correct, I did specifically ask about the coop, but meant the entire set up. The enclosed coop with the windows is 7’ x 7’ with a total of 14 feet of perches. In the main run (the one with shingles) there are roughly 21 feet of perches up under the roof, which is where the majority of my...
  6. MrsThousand

    How many roosters and hens can live in my coop?

    Thank you so much for the detailed reply! There are a lot of man hours between my husband and myself building the run extensions, all of which have hardware cloth aprons to prevent predators from digging. The largest run with the white tarps are only accessible during the day, for safety...
  7. MrsThousand

    How many roosters and hens can live in my coop?

    Hello Everyone! I’ve only had chickens for a little over a year and a half. We were free ranging them most of the day, but are losing a battle against the bobcats. Until one of our hens (the queen bee) recently hatched three roosters, we had 8 girls and one big BO boy. The three new cockerels...
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