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  1. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    The squabs usually fall when they are being fed, I think if more squabs fall I'll keep them only of they fall in cold weather and are young, but if they fall in the summer I'll put them back.
  2. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    Yes we could put up a siding but then do we need to take down the old nest once it's empty? It's a very old nest and us used every year
  3. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    *Update the squab fell again and it died
  4. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    I think the parents are making a new nest and leaving the squabs
  5. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    10 minutes ago I saw a squab on the ground so my dad lifted it up to the nest (the very messey one) it's hatchmate was in the nest but the parents are gone, when I noticed the squab the parents weren't there either. Will they come back? If they don't I'm going to raise them myself. Usually 1 or...
  6. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    So could they just fly down to the rest of the pigeons I couldn't catch. I'll probably just rescue the squabs that fall and then they won't know to fly to the others
  7. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    Should I free fly the pigeons or keep them in the run, if they need to be in a run how big should it be and can it have a gravel floor
  8. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    Thanks for that I'll try that soon, I live in an area that the people are very into farming and the pigeons will be shot as they poo in calf food and then the calves get sick. The people are very nice, when i raised a pigeon squab and it flew off they said i can look in their farmyard Sometimes...
  9. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    Yes I don't really know the difference between a shed and a barn, there is lots of pigeons in the barn but I can only identify 1 pair and they have 2 young chicks, there is others sitting on nests aswell, this is the mother of the 2 squabs
  10. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    Probably not there is lots of spaces for them to get out I'll try a mink trap with some seeds. What seeds do they love? They are kind if mad so if I can't catch them I'll raise chicks that fall from the nest.
  11. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    I have chickens aswell it's just that I would like to atleast catch the white one and another 1 because lots of people try shoot them.
  12. peafowl_Lover

    How to catch pigeons

    Hi I live on a farm a while back some racing pigeons got lost and stayed in my shed, they bred and now there is a good few pigeons and the original domestic pigeons died. I love the pigeons, when a chick falls from their high nests I raise it and release it. But now I would like to catch a few...
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