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  1. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    Last day 20 just before openingback side
  2. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    I had a triple yolk one time 2 yolks were fertile one was not. One yolk developed until day 10, and the other kept going until day 17.
  3. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    Clyde quit. I have photos of the egg in the quit mode. And I have eggtopsy pics. (My phone needs a charge.) The second yolk was not fertile, so it was just Clyde. Last movement was on day 19. Clyde doesn't look like day 19 development, but I think his development slowed maybe a few days earlier...
  4. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    I am having my coffee, then I will take a look.
  5. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    If there is an extra yolk left I hope he doesn't have to absorb it, and I hope it being old doesn't kill him.
  6. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    I have not given up yet.
  7. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    There is more clear than dark. If it is just him, maybe he will hatch with his sac not toughing the clear.
  8. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    This morning I didn't see the lovely veins today that were there yesterday. I was going to call it, while holding the egg still, I saw a hiccup. I hope that was not the egg saying goodbye. Since it still moved, (hiccup) I am saying it was alive on day 19.
  9. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    If it was next to a thriving egg...perhaps.
  10. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    I think the veins are shrinking and still too much liquid. my guess is Clyde was not able to suck up all the fluids. Still a go for now. I try and keep eggs that may not be alive away from a good egg since they communicate. He was up against "BigSky" Hopefully that will not influence the egg.
  11. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    This is the farthest day I have gotten in setting a double.
  12. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    day 18. Too much fluid for lock down though.
  13. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    ~Elbow room, elbow room, gotta, gotta get me some elbow room ~it is hatch or bust, in incubators we trust, there is a new roost out there...
  14. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    There is so much fluid on back side, I will not lock down, until it absorbs more.
  15. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    Today will be day 17
  16. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    I candled the back side of this egg, and mostly on day 16 a normal egg would be dark at the tip and the back side, I noticed there was still clear on the back side. If it is still going to hatch it may take longer.
  17. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    This morning. Day 16.
  18. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    We'll see.
  19. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    I hope so, she may have been just "hiding out."
  20. gimmie birdies

    Double yolk x2

    I see 2 shadows, they move, not just me rocking an egg and contents sloshing about. Sometimes it looks like someone has the hiccups. This one was a few days ago... . This one was today... At one point there were 2 yolks, mostly I see veins, movement. Regardless, I want to see this egg hatch.
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