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  1. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Show Us Your Flock Photo Contest

    Yesterday I mad a perfect big pumpkin and cherry pies in glass pie pans, for Thanksgiving. I had a smidge of dough left and filling of the pie, so I dumped the dough and filling into a small a metal pan, I had some (to keep myself out of the real thanksgiving pie,) I have another whole pie for...
  2. gimmie birdies

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Show Us Your Flock Photo Contest

    I have more than 3 chicks of course, but these 3 hens are my frizzles. The black one is the daughter of my gray frizzle feathered gray egg layer. "Nell" The white is "Fancy Nancy" She is molting in this pic. She is a NN/Frizzle, who lays green eggs. I got her as an egg from NC. The brown is...
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