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  1. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Last one! Thanks for hosting this and helping us stay motivated. I've never actually finished more than like two days before... It felt good even if I wasn't generally very inspired.
  2. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Rushed, because she WAS rushing me while I was drawing this. This is the "I ate all the cat food, why aren't you doing your job" stare.
  3. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Massive, I guess! Already seeing all sorts wrong with it but oh well. 😂😂😂 Fun to do something in charcoals again! Edit: But seriously how did the one leg make it into the 4th dimension, yikes!
  4. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    I don't know what days anymore. Shallow, beast, dangerous, remove (I'm stretching here) and sparkle because what unicorn doesn't! *exhausted wheezing* Shallow? Everything else 😂 I'm gonna make it! 😬😬😬
  5. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Day 20 & 21: Just a really rough transcription of a Frost poem and some handwriting practice. Day 22 & 23: Too lazy and rushed to color! I'm really phoning it in here at the end, whew 😅
  6. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Haha yes, although I originally intended for the horse to be plump... Would have been much funnier that way!
  7. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Day 18 and 19: Been a loooooong time since I drew a horse 😖
  8. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Day 17, I'm behind: This is one of those that looks way better as messy sketch but I'll look at it tomorrow and see how the proportions are all wrong 🤣
  9. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Day 14: Day 15 & 16 smashed together; I'm horrible at visualizing weaponry and I was sick of shading it before I even started 😂
  10. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Thank you! Yes, if you count those little white boxes with ovals of colors as watercolor paints 😅 I used Sharpie marker to make the signage and lettering outlines pop as I can't edge very well lol
  11. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    I was going for a current-day iteration of the classical Lady Fortune 🤣 The wheel of fortune is one of her symbols, and I thought the idea of a "good-year" tire was extra funny. I was also very tired when I brainstormed this lol
  12. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Day 7: Day 8: Playing catch-up, too. 😰 But I'm going to make it!!
  13. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Day 6: I didn't want to finish in pencil or ink and didn't want to take the time to try and paint in acrylic, but it was fun to try to draw of one of my favorite paintings. I accented with gold acrylic cause I couldn't mess that part up XD
  14. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    Day 4 (early): Everything else was too action-y for me to draw 😂 Logo parody it is!
  15. CoopBoots

    Art-Tober 2023 Challenge!! (EVERY STYLE AND LEVEL OF ART WELCOME)

    :oops: Wuthering Heights is a fun ride but Jane Eyre is my absolute favorite, hands down! I think Jane Eyre is actually the most mysterious of the two... First few chapters are a bit slow and then it gets down to business.
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