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  1. Jenbirdee

    Starved Gosling please help

    I think amoxicillin is a people antibiotic that also can be given to birds but at a much smaller doage of course. , someone who likely will know this and dosages @casportpony
  2. Jenbirdee

    Starved Gosling please help

    you are very caring to do so much to help little gosling . i pray he recovers and grows. i’m going to tag @Goosebaby and @Miss Lydia to see what advice they have for you.
  3. Jenbirdee

    Starved Gosling please help

    also perhaps you already know this , he needs water dish or bucket that is deep enough so he can dunk his whole head into the water to rinse out his nares and his eyes . you said he doesn’t like the grains you can try mixing a little of the grains with a little water and make a mash sort of...
  4. Jenbirdee

    Starved Gosling please help

    lettuce and kale are very good hopefully you can get organic romaine and green leafy kinds of lettuce. my geese also like corn, cucumbers, and apple slices. your goslings looks like it’s only a few weeks to maybe one month old , i don’t think it’s possible to be that small and was born early...
  5. Jenbirdee

    Starved Gosling please help

    Grass. Green grass that has NOT been sprayed with any chemical fertilizers or weed killers or insecticides. You can cut some with scissors and cut into small pieces (he will choke on long pieces)
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