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  1. JacinLarkwell

    50 roosters

    I've seriously considered dubbing my males. They lose their tines their first winter, sometimes more. I just haven't gotten myself comfortable with the process yet enough to go through with it.
  2. JacinLarkwell

    50 roosters

    Lots of people dub combs, not just people fighting.
  3. JacinLarkwell

    50 roosters

    How can you say for certain its hoarding? Just because someone has lots of animals doesn't mean they're a hoarder. All we have heard is that the neighbor has a lot of birds and that they crow a lot. Nothing on housing space or care in regards to animal health
  4. JacinLarkwell

    50 roosters

    I agree. Livid would be an understatement if someone stole one of my birds for any reason, let alone to eat because they didn't like them
  5. JacinLarkwell

    50 roosters

    To be fair, I've had over 50 males before. I think I'm in the high 30s or 40s currently. If you hatch a lot of eggs or get st run chicks, it's easy to get a ton of boys in not a long time
  6. JacinLarkwell

    50 roosters

    Especially if they're also sold for hair accessories. Those can get pricy fast if you have the right contacts and colors/patterns
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