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  1. Lillith37

    Worried about unusual behavior! Might it be the bear or What?!

    How old are your chickens? And you have a total of three hens? You’re in America aren’t you and it’s the autumn there isn’t it? That’s the season when chickens go into moult. Has it been especially hot, cold or wet recently? When they go through moult they can act a little off and keep to...
  2. Lillith37

    Worried about unusual behavior! Might it be the bear or What?!

    What do you feed them as their main food and how much scratch/treats do you feed them? Chickens need to eat mostly their regular feed to stay healthy, and maximum 10% treats. I’m not sure about the green bugs. It might be helpful to post a picture and someone might be able to identify them. I...
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