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  1. jpalmatier83

    Any such thing as too many black soldier fly larvae

    I’m really not trying to be argumentative or pedantic, I just think it’s hard to measure balanced diet vs treats without measuring a birds living condition, activity level, normal feed, forage terrane, etc. I agree with most if not all of your points. I just missed where op said what and how...
  2. jpalmatier83

    Any such thing as too many black soldier fly larvae

    IDK, I feel like I may be missing the point. For hundreds of years, jungle fowl survived eating a scavenged diet. And recently, many birds survived eating droppings from cattle feed and what they could scrape up. Was it optimal? Probably not. Did they survive and continue to lay? Yes. I...
  3. jpalmatier83

    Any such thing as too many black soldier fly larvae

    I guess I don’t have fantastic answers to your question. Assuming it’s a lot like people, if you have a lot of physical activity (free ranging all day), you can afford a bit more fat (bugs) in your diet. If your trapped behind a desk (in a small run) all day, maybe limit caloric intake and...
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