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  1. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    In our group of 34 chickens, the egg story took an interesting turn. One hen, known for her blue-green eggs, has been laying for a few months. Another, opting for brown eggs, joined the club last week. Today, a new player emerged, also favoring the blue-green shade. However, her first egg, a...
  2. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    Thank you! It's always an adventure
  3. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    In the world of our backyard drama, there was quite the peck-tastic showdown between two pullets. One girl was bullying the other. Our up-and-coming rooster, the dapper White Meat, decided to play the role of the feathered mediator. With a stern look that said, "You're eggstinct if you don't...
  4. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    Today, we dedicated our day to building the new chicken coop. On a spontaneous idea, I requested my son, Daniel, to relocate a section of a log leftover from Hurricane Sally into the run for the birds. With gloves on, Daniel and I tackled the task of moving this sizable, bug-covered log into the...
  5. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    The day got off to a rather rocky start as we discovered that an unwelcome visitor had infiltrated our chicken run overnight. Thankfully, our coop remained unbreached, either due to the predator's inability or perhaps lack of effort. We dedicated or morning to fortifying our defenses against...
  6. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    Awesome. And thank you :)
  7. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    I'm glad he's working out for you so far. I hope the trend continues
  8. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    He is gorgeous. What is he?
  9. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    Things are going super smoothly with Operation Chick Integration! Our 11-week-old cream leg bar buddies are now hanging out in the run alongside the older Australorps and Ameraucana pals. It took us about a week to help them get comfy with sleeping in the big coop instead of the mini intro spot...
  10. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    It started off with the young Cockerel chasing the big Australorp hens around. Then, sweetie would jump on him. I found lots of black feathers in the run today. But, he isn't chasing the australorps and he and sweetie are drinking from the same fountain. I don't know what she said to him, but I...
  11. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    Thank you. In all seriousness though, we are integrating these birds. Of course they are all stressed by the heat and irritated but it seems to be going well
  12. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    Down here in the Florida panhandle, we've been sizzling in temperatures soaring past the 100-degree mark, and don't even get me started on those heat indexes that feel like a sauna on overdrive. As if that's not enough, our trusty air conditioning decided to go on vacation this week and only...
  13. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    The ones we have now were sexed at Cackle. The ones that had 8 roos were sold by a local seller claiming they were Ideal. Then, I found out they weren't from Ideal when I called him about the ratio. So, he lied at sale. Cackle says there is a 10 percent error. Ordered directly through them this...
  14. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    Me too! Thanks. But hey - if the ratio of 8 out 10 holds true, we will have three more hens - bright side?
  15. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    They look like girls? That's promising! We have 18 in total this age. These were the ones that flew out when I opened the brooder today.
  16. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    Thank you. They just turned 2 weeks old. Crossing my fingers they aren't all roosters
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