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  1. LaFleche

    Either my hens are crowing... or the hatchery sold us straight run.

    Looking closely at the saddle feathers, this one seems to be a late bloomer male as well.
  2. LaFleche

    Either my hens are crowing... or the hatchery sold us straight run.

    So all confirmed females or did you buy a cockerel too?
  3. LaFleche

    Either my hens are crowing... or the hatchery sold us straight run.

    Where did you get the Cream Legbars and how old are they?
  4. LaFleche

    Either my hens are crowing... or the hatchery sold us straight run.

    How I read it, they had their carefully selected and vent sexed pullet chicks sent to the local feed store together with other chicks. But maybe you are right, the OP might clarify. :confused:
  5. LaFleche

    Either my hens are crowing... or the hatchery sold us straight run.

    Contact the hatchery and add the picture to your complaint. Paying for vent sexed pullets and getting mostly males is unacceptable and they need to send you ASAP pullets of your chosen breeds that are of the same age as the ones you have.
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