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  1. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    Also this just seems to have happened today in the last few hours. He's had some eye issues since this started and I'm assuming it's from being in my shed on wood chips and them getting in his eyes when he couldn't hold his head up before. I rinsed his eyes but it's definitely possible I had...
  2. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    Yeah I was reading that the limberneck thing is common with all toxin ingestions, not just botulism. I cut open the bird that died almost a week ago, he's been in the refrigerator. I don't know if he was too old or not but I took some pics. Who all would know what they're looking at...
  3. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    I tried putting the drake in my pond a few days ago, he was still having occasionally seizures and apparently putting him in the pond brought one on so I got to jump in and get all wet to rescue him. 😓 The hen would probably do ok. She isn't too bad yet. When I pulled the wormwood today I was...
  4. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    Still the same, but he's having normal poops so I must be tubing enough food. I came out today and found one of my healthy hens acting weird now. She's doing the same thing he started out doing. I saw her nibbling at the wormwood yesterday so I'm just guessing that must be what this is. I...
  5. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    I've been using that post for measurements, I've tried all three flushes on there. The molasses one seemed to work the best before so I'm back to using that one right now.
  6. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    Here are some pics from today. I have him outside in a playpen since it's pretty warm out and he seems much happier. Every time I walk up on him I think he's dead. 😬
  7. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    I haven't seen him drink on his own since I got home, though my sister said he did while I was gone some. I'm alternating tubing corn syrup/molasses water and his food mixture.
  8. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    So do you think I should just keep tubing food and liquids and see what happens? I gave more vitamin E today but it doesn't seem to be doing anything for his neck.
  9. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    Do you guys think I should keep giving charcoal? I tried both the Epsom salt flush and the molasses flush. Also, is it safe to give baytril as a preventative while giving electrolytes and flushes? I noticed a bit of gurgling yesterday, it seems to be gone now but I don't want him to have to...
  10. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    They're all ornamental species and breeding season is over so no aggression whatsoever this time of year. The pintails are some of the biggest birds in there too. Thanks!
  11. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    Yup. Just gave him another dose of charcoal too.
  12. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    I'm going to try to do it with a friend today, she's done it before. I've had the body refrigerated for two days already so I don't think it would last being shipped.
  13. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    Thank you and thanks for the reply. No, my ducks all get along really well and they were sitting by him preening his face when I had him out there still. They have the pond so water all the time, and they have a little tub with fresh water in it at all times. I did give two vitamin e capsules...
  14. MGG

    Sudden Neurological(?) Issues in Duck

    Three days ago I found one of my ducks walking kind of wobbly, and not eating or being active. I separated him and gave him some poultry Nutridrench and electrolytes, and gave him a shallow waterer and feeder so he could access them easily. I left him be for an hour and when I came back he...
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