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  1. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    😂 That’s typically how my little roo Raleigh responds to me.
  2. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    Also, @fluffycrow, correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t landraces a general name for Sumatras, Flower Hens, and Egyptian Fayoumis?
  3. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    Ahh, Silkies are soo sweet. My Mayberry is the best! Yeah, the SOP has been a pain to access… someday I’ll find it, someday.
  4. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    I actually haven’t started breeding yet. I would love to, however the one hen that is laying eggs is refusing to set on them! What kind of bantam mixes do you have? As in, what are they a mix of? Also, how do you find the SOP? I’ve tried looking it up a few times, but I can’t seem to find...
  5. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    So cool!! I currently have 6 cockerels (At least, I think they’re boys…) and roosters, and 21 pullets and hens. I have Seramas, Salmon Faverolles, BC Marans, Silver Cuckoo Marans, Silkies, a Satin, a Cream Legbar, Speckled Sussex, True Ameraucanas, an Ancona, a BLR Wyandotte, a Mille Fleur...
  6. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    I was more asking you… but if anyone else wants to join in, I’d be happy to learn what breeds they have too!
  7. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    Also, random question, what breeds of chickens do you own? And how many?
  8. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    No… huh, I should look that up! I own over 50 orchids at home, and I’m working on cross pollinating a few. So I know how to pollinate Phalaenopsis and some other species like Miltonia and Dendrobium. But the actual method for Vanilla eludes me! I did find a YouTube video on it once though…
  9. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    Yeah! And (after a bit of research) I discovered that it takes roughly 6-8 months for the pods to ripen, and after that it takes 3-6 months to cure the beans by leaving them in the warm sun by day and a cool, dark place by night. THEN! It takes another 6-12 months to fully infuse the vodka they...
  10. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    Did y’all know vanilla comes from orchids? I can’t wait to actually get some beans from this plant!!
  11. Ch1cken Tender

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

    This is my almost one year old vanilla bean orchid!
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