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  1. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    So I did not do the treatment correctly. It came back, worse. I absolutely could NOT get myself to do the surgery. Just wasn’t even an option for my brain. Lol I enlisted a vet and have her back inside for more treatments. My question is, do you keep your chicken/duck inside full time for...
  2. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    So today is day 7 of tricide neo. I don’t recall seeing an exact course of treatment except use until healed. She is walking better today. I think my bandage wrap Saturday night was not good and irritated her. She sat quite still, without any holding, patiently waiting while I struggled to...
  3. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    Ok, we did an 15 minute Epsom salt soak and I was able to pick the scab off. It didn’t bleed and we could not see any puss, Kernel or much really. It is more swollen on the pad so I am worried there is an infection deep inside. I sprayed with vetericyn, put prid on with a pad and wrapped it up...
  4. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    Yes, hubs is home to help for 2 more days. With HFA and adhd, calm is not in my nature🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m not squeamish, I just get anxious when I feel I am causing them discomfort and stress.
  5. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    @Wyorp Rock I was able to buy both the prid and uncolored iodine. Is there a preference for one or the other? @Mountain Roost If I was not so panicked about stressing my girls because MD and MG I think it would be a bit easier. But if I see any signs of stress, especially open mouth breaths, I...
  6. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    @Wyorp Rock I have found prid with and without pain relief. I am going to assume I need without the pain relief, correct?
  7. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    I can pick up some of the non colored iodine today but do you happen to know where I can get prid? Would a pharmacy, or natural food/vitamin store carry it? I did read a lot of posts about it so probably good to have on hand also. Thank you!
  8. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    @dawg53 @Wyorp Rock Here is an updated photo. I am satisfied this far but would really appreciate a second and third opinion on if I can continue what I am doing or do I need to revisit removing the scab. Thanks so much! Picture on left is current and picture on right is 3(?) days ago.
  9. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    Thank you. I bought the tricide neo because of that post. Their coop/run is dry. I am in the last phase of switching mulch to sand in the run. They free range all day and we are in a drought. She has been jumping the fence to get to another part of the yard so she could have landed on...
  10. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    There has definitely been changes to the middle of the foot since starting the tricide-neo. Almost looks like a bumble is coming to the surface where there originally was just a discoloration of the skin, is that possible? And the bigger scab does not look like the pictures of a normal circular...
  11. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    No, I cannot get that scab to budge. But I’m also not forcing it too hard. I am so worried about stressing her to the point where the MD kicks in.
  12. bhawk-23

    Bumblefoot X2?

    Hello, I’ve been treating for bumblefoot 8 days now. The first 5 I was using Epsom salt soaks, Derma vet ointment, cover and wrap. The last 3 days I’ve been soaking in tricide-neo twice daily, 7 minutes each time, spray with vetericyn, put Derma vet, cover and wrap. She does not appear to be in...
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